Look what the postman brought today.
A drawing of daffodils shouting "Oi! Wordsworth" is the cover of the Dove Cottage and Wordsworth Museum programme for November 2015 to May 2016.
Here's the full picture-
There's the heel of the great man passing by the "host of golden daffodils"
If you thought that the people at Dove Cottage and the Wordsworth Museum were a stuffy old bunch of Wordsworth fanatics you couldn't be more wrong. Well, Wordsworth fanatics? Yes, probably. Stuffy? Certainly not.
The programme offers talks on a huge range of topics, family events, poetry, reading groups, and for locals, the very special Residents'Afternoon at Dove Cottage on Sunday 20 December.
With our 2 year old grandson visiting us at Half Term you might find us at "Rucksack of Rhymes" or "Tales for Tots" aimed at the under 5s. Catch them young!
If you're not on the Dove Cottage mailing list you can find all the information here on the Dove Cottage website.
Our Grasmere holiday cottage ( with amazing views) is booked for half term, but there are lots of other chances to stay there from 7 November onwards. We still have Christmas available. However, we are filling up now for some of the most popular times in 2016. September 2016 is already fully booked , so if you think that our lovely cottage Brockstone Grasmere Holiday Cottage might suit you, please don't leave it too long to book.
Great Summer Special Offers
Updated- Sorry, no special offers remaining Great July Summer Special
Offers We have some great July Summer Special Offers on our remaining
Summer weeks....
10 months ago