It's not too late to book your Easter stay in the Lake District.
We still have rooms for the Easter weekend, and the following week.
We have just updated our rates, and included special offers for stays of 3 or more nights. Check here for our newly updated and reduced rates. If you would like to book, please use this online booking page, or you could email me with the dates you want, the price that is quoted on the booking system, and I might be able to knock a couple of extra pounds off.........
At present we have snow everywhere, but it's very sunny. It looks gorgeous. By next weekend the snow at lower levels will have probably gone, but the mountains will still be white- fabulous for taking photos.The daffodils are out too.
I'm making my Lakeland tea bread now for afternoon teas this week. Tea and homemade cakes on arrival with our compliments!
Book now for our Grasmere special offers this Easter Time.
Great Summer Special Offers
Updated- Sorry, no special offers remaining Great July Summer Special
Offers We have some great July Summer Special Offers on our remaining
Summer weeks....
9 months ago
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