Here's hoping!
The tubs on the terrace are planted- we just need some warm, sunny weather. The forecast is looking better actually. Warmish, mostly dry, with quite a lot of sun. At last!.
We've got some great last minute offers for the first week in June. Anytime from Saturday 1 June , ( we're fully booked Friday 31 May). Three nights are a snip. Check it out on our special offers page, then check the forecast and make that booking.
Here's a recent photo
Tulips in our White Moss Garden.
By next week they'll have faded, but the bluebeels in the woods will still look spectacular. This must be the best year ever for Lake District bluebells. Rydal woods, White Moss woods and the woods around Grasmere are all beautiful. Come and see!
Great Summer Special Offers
Updated- Sorry, no special offers remaining Great July Summer Special
Offers We have some great July Summer Special Offers on our remaining
Summer weeks....
10 months ago