We have lovely guests staying here from Tel Aviv, and they're too hot! They're not complaining at all about our wonderful autumn heatwave, but they've brought the wrong clothes- all warm wintery jumpers and wool trousers. They wish they had shorts!
They loved their sail on Windermere yesterday, and today they're going up to Keswick and round Borrowdale, Buttermere and Crummock Water. I've given them a route for a great Lake District day out.
First stop though, will be Grasmere Pharmacy ( a brilliant, proper local shop), to buy some Pure Lakes Geranium Aloe Vera shampoo.. Having used the wonderful Pure Lakes shampoo , shower gels and soap that we provide for our guests, they are very keen to buy a supply to take hope with them.
I'm a big fan of all the Pure Lakes products. My two absolute top favorites are Rosehip and neroli night oil ( for "mature skin"- that's me!) and Lemon and chamomile lip balm. You can buy all the Pure Lakes range online .
No, I'm not on commission!
Great Summer Special Offers
Updated- Sorry, no special offers remaining Great July Summer Special
Offers We have some great July Summer Special Offers on our remaining
Summer weeks....
10 months ago