Save £100 if you can stay the week commencing Saturday 7 July 2018 in our Grasmere Cottage with amazing views.
This week was £845, but we've reduced it to £745 for last minute bookers. This is for up to four guests, and you can bring a dog too.
A huge feature of a stay at Brockstone Grasmere Cottage is the ability to walk from the door in all directions. There are short walks, long walks, tough walks, easy walks. The guest who just left walked twelve mile round trips , doing the Langdale Pikes on foot there and back. This might be a bit too much for most of us, but here are some of the easier walks you can do from Brockstone, which is in the White Moss area of Grasmere. We call these "White Moss Walks"
Read our reviews here, look at our website, ask if you have any questions. We have a few weeks still available in 2018. We already have several bookings for 2019. Come and stay at Brockstone Grasmere Cottage! Join our list of fans. We're on Facebook here , and you can find us on twitter @GrasmereCottage and also @whitemosshouse.
Great Summer Special Offers
Updated- Sorry, no special offers remaining Great July Summer Special
Offers We have some great July Summer Special Offers on our remaining
Summer weeks....
10 months ago