I've just spent many gruelling hours trying to clear a bed in the garden of crocosmia (montbretia) corms. They've burrowed a long way from their original site. It's back breaking work, but it has to be done. The bed will look so much better this summer when the lilies, iris and other plants in there are not being strangled. There will be space to add more interesting plants too , replacing the long leaved short flowering thugs ( I really don't like crocosmia).
I was therefore surprised last night, listening to the Archers , to hear Jill offerring Bert some crocosmia for his newly replanted garden- and Bert was pleased to get them! I'm assuming that as his garden was flooded, he's looking for something to fill spaces fast. He's an old hand and that he must know they need a firm hand in future years.Personally, I woouldn't wish them on anybody. Still, it makes a change to hear a normal Ambridge type (ie dull) conversation in the midst of all the drama.
In case you don't know what crocosmia, (aka montbretia) look like- here's a pic. It's true, they can look good for a time, and their leaves are useful in flower arrangements, but unless you've got lots of space and are prepared to hunt them down when they stray, I'd give them a wide berth.
PS I'll forgive Jill anything if Anna Tregorran can help Helen.
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