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Friday 27 April 2012

Little black herdwick lambs invading

Herdwick lambs in White Moss House garden.
This isn't a great photo I admit. I'll try to get a better one later. These are the little creatures that were making an enormous row first thing this morning. The lambs and mum had come into our garden, as they do every year, then mum had wandered off leaving the lambs. It's amazing that she can ignore the ear splitting bleating. They managed to drown out the dawn chorus, and were certainly lounder than my alarm clock.

I've rung the farmer to let him know that we've become a lamb sanctuary. He'll come and take a look apparently, which may mean that they don't come back again.........

If you're interested in the Herdwicks, our Cumbrian native sheep, I have written an article about Herwick sheep here. Most of the lambs are black, with the odd white mark. Today's visitors had little white ears. Very sweet. They become the usual Herdwick grey as they get older.

The weather here is beautiful again. The rain that came up from the south yesterday has gone, and it's perfect walking weather. We still have rooms this weekend, so ring or email us for our best rates if you can get away for a last minute break. 015394 35295 or for our last minute special offers.

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